
FAW 2024 Annual Business Conference

Dec. 18, 2023


On December 16th, with the theme of "Focus on Customers, Innovation and Change, Win Together and Lead New Journey," the FAW 2024 Annual Business Meeting was grandly held in Wuxi. Hu Hanjie, Assistant General Manager of FAW; Zhu Qixin, Chief Scientist of FAW; Wu Bilei, Chairman and Secretary of Party Committee of FAW and members of the company's leadership team gathered with FAW dealers from all over the country, service providers, spare parts dealers, notable purpose vehicle enterprises and financial partners, to review the marketing achievements of 2023, and to clarify the objectives and direction of the development of 2024.

Hardening the front, glory blooms together

In 2023, a year of competition and development, Jiefang joined hands with dealers and partners to overcome difficulties and obstacles, striving for innovation and breakthroughs, realizing the domestic industry share of medium and heavy-duty trucks of 21.6% and terminal share of 26.6%, and firmly occupying the leading position of the industry and terminal.

FAW's overseas market has repeatedly delivered good news, and its products have been exported to 80 countries and regions, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, South Africa, etc. FAW has built over 100 core sales networks and 14 overseas KD factories in the global market.


Hu Hanjie's speech

Hu Hanjie said to cope with the significant change that has not been seen in a hundred years, as the eldest son of the automobile industry of the republic, FAW shoulders the heavy responsibility of the times and should be courageous to open up a new road for the development of China's commercial vehicle industry. All the liberation people should firmly penetrate the market, comprehensively reach the customers, accelerate the forward-looking layout, open up the development space, renew the mindset of the whole staff, and the depth of the practice of change to practice the industry to serve the country, the industry to strengthen the country, Chinese solid automobile industry's original mission, to create a world-class enterprise, to build the first hundred years of national automobile brand and unremitting struggle!

Concentrate on Change, Concentrate on Vision


WuBilei speech

Wu Bilei said FAW will continue to anchor on the strategic goal of "'China's first, world-class' green intelligent transportation solutions provider," adhere to the technology leadership, product leadership strategy, adhere to the dual-wheel drive of innovation and change, adhere to the customer-centered approach, adhere to the customer-centered approach, adhere to the customer-centered approach, adhere to the customer-centered approach, adhere to the customer-centered approach, and adhere to the customer-centered approach. Adhere to the strategy of technology leadership and product leadership, the two-wheel drive of innovation and change, the customer-centeredness, the internationalization strategy, and the commercial success, and as always, we will be with the majority of dealers, service providers, and business partners in honor and disgrace, and share each other's guts, and create a win-win situation through thick and thin, to win a new victory in the marketing of the year 2024, and to promote the cause of FAW to scale new heights!


Li Sheng speech

Li Sheng, general manager and deputy party secretary of FAW, said that 2023 is a year full of harvest; the domestic market continues to lead, overseas exports "doubled growth," new energy "leaping" growth, 2024 to focus on the customer, practicing change, In 2024, we will focus on customers, practice change, and lock the target, and in the ever-changing tide of modern logistics, we will seize new opportunities, develop new models, and contribute to customer satisfaction and business success.


Mr. Ji Shengshi gave a marketing theme report.

Ji Shengshi, General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee of FAW Marketing Headquarters made a marketing theme report for 2024. The report scientifically judged the market demand and opportunities in 2024 and, based on the marketing change, clarified the marketing objectives in 2024, deployed the "1234" marketing strategy, and centered on the three aspects of channel planning, channel management, and channel empowerment to find the entry point, seize the critical point, and strengthen the focus point of the following year's channel work. Around the customer development and operation, customer problem solving, the whole life cycle service three dimensions, the comprehensive implementation of "customer-centered" business philosophy, help liberation cause to lead a new journey, continue to navigate.

The journey has no end, and only the one who has changed can master the trend. FAW will always follow the law of the market, adhere to the customer-centered and goal-oriented, and desperately run and navigate a new course.

Starlight becomes a torch, hand in hand

Since establishing the FAW dealer system, most dealer partners have always walked with FAW with one heart and one mind, laying a solid foundation for Jiefang business navigation. To recognize the outstanding contribution of dealer partners, this annual meeting invited nearly 3,000 dealer representatives to participate; the number of dealers was the largest in previous years.


Group photo of honored investors receiving awards

As the "big brother" of Jiefang's investor, Li Yanhai of Liaoning Huihua Group made a sincere speech after winning the honorary investor award: "I am honored to accompany FAW through thirty-four spring and autumn, and I witnessed FAW's bearing and action as the son of the national car, and Liaoning Huihua Group will work harder to follow the pace of Jiefang with more efforts in the year 2024, and will make more efforts to follow the pace of Jiefang with more efforts. In 2024, Liaoning Huihua Group will make more efforts to follow the pace of liberation and continue to write the liberation cause brilliantly with hard work and struggle." Xing Shiwen from Jilin Huazhicheng called himself a "veteran" of FAW and has been engaged in FAW business for thirty-five years. He is very grateful to Jiefang for recognizing him and said that no matter what difficulties he encounters, he will closely follow the development rhythm of FAW! The historical heritage and brand culture of FAW have deeply influenced Liu Yumin of Huludao Honesty, who said that as long as FAW trusts him, he will keep on working.







Group photo of some award winners

Courage to meet the changes and challenges, liberation and all dealers and partners are full of confidence, firm beliefs, to the new journey full steam ahead, and then create a new glory of liberation.

Strength to navigate and then lead the new course

With the core weapon, fearless to win the new course. Different from the past, this annual meeting displayed 102 exhibition vehicles, a record high number, and set up the headquarters of the medium and heavy-duty vehicle product line, Qingdao medium and heavy-duty vehicle product line, new energy product line, light vehicle product line four exhibition areas, so that the business partners an all-round feeling of liberation products of the core advantages and leading technology.


Significantly, the exhibition area of medium and heavy-duty vehicle product line of the headquarters, which has the most significant number of vehicles on display, not only has the seventh generation of classic PLA model J7 Leader Edition 700 hp tractor but also has heavyweight products such as as as as J6 platform J6V 6×4 Pilot Edition CA6SX1 LNG tractor, J6G 4×2 Pilot Edition truck, and J6L 8×4 dumper, which cover four major product lines and six product platforms, and with the advantages of high end, comfortable, high efficiency, low consumption, reliable, intelligent, and high-quality products, it allows business partners to experience the core advantages and leading technologies of PLA products in an all-around way, High efficiency, low consumption, reliable and intelligent six core value points, to provide users with continuous operation value.


In the exhibition area of Qingdao Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicle Product Line, Eagle First Class also captures the hearts of visitors with its high value and high quality. Based on users' actual use scenarios, it integrates their driving habits. It creates a new strategic platform product with the core concepts of value, comfort and vitality. It provides the optimal solution for efficient logistics operations with an annual driving distance of more than 300,000 kilometers.


In addition, as a leader in the commercial vehicle industry, FAW continues to accelerate the process of new energy. New energy 2.0 products have just been released in the Wuhan International Automobile Exhibition, and the new energy J6P charging and switching integrated tractor 2.0 products displayed in the new energy product line exhibition area have attracted much attention. With the advantages of low power consumption, low weight, low cost, high reliability and enjoyable ride, it solves the operation pain points of users and brings new driving experiences to users.


Not to be missed, the sixth generation of FAW's high-end light truck Tiger 6G hybrid products, special-purpose models J6L 8×4 "Yitou" mixer truck, J6L 4×2 "Yitou" truck-mounted crane, JK6 4×2 CNG vehicle transporter, and JH6 6X2 demolition equipment truck were also presented. The J6L 4×2 Yituo truck crane, JK6 4×2 CNG vehicle transporter, JH6 6X2 demolition equipment truck, etc., were also presented, which brought a whole series of sensory feast to the guests.



The journey is long, and it is courageous to stand at the head of the tide to be the first. Facing the future, FAW will join hands with its business partners to make progress and win together, step forward to a new peak in innovation and change, create new splendor in the process of striving for progress, and stride forward to the goal of "China's first, the world's first-class"!
