
FAWDE successfully held the 30th-anniversary celebration of entering South Africa

May. 13, 2024

On May 9, local time, the 30th-anniversary celebration of FAW's entry into South Africa was successfully held at the Coha Plant of FAW South Africa (from now on referred to as the "Coha Plant"). Hu Hanjie, General Counsel of China FAW Overseas Business, Yu Changxin, Member of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy General Manager of FAWDE, and Leng Changchun, General Manager of FAWDE's Overseas Product Line, attended the event. Officials from the Chinese Embassy in South Africa, the South African Department of Trade and Industry, Eastern Cape Province, Mandela City, and other government officials, representatives of FAW's Chinese-owned enterprises in South Africa, dealers, representatives of major customers, and friends from the media who support liberation development jointly witnessed this event. Grand occasion.


Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Trade and Industry of South Africa, and Liu Yu, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa, fully affirmed FAWDE's expansion into the South African market and its role in promoting local employment and social development in their speeches respectively and praised FAW South Africa as an important player in China-South Africa cooperation. A model enterprise that has made great contributions to South Africa's economic prosperity and social progress with its outstanding achievements and positive social responsibility image.


In his speech, Hu Hanjie, on behalf of China FAW, expressed his gratitude to the South African government and partners who have long supported the operation and development of China FAW and the South African company. He said that thirty years is both the end and the starting point. China FAW will continue to increase investment in southern Africa. Make greater contributions to the Belt and Road Initiative and the development of Southern Africa.



FAWDE's breakthroughs and achievements in the South African market are inseparable from the firm support of dealers, customers, employees and other partners. At the celebration ceremony, FAWDE specially commended partners who have made outstanding contributions to developing markets and expanding business over the past 30 years. The award-winning representatives took the stage one by one to share their stories of growing up with FAWDE.


At the ceremony, Liu Yu, Mandela Mayor Gary Van Niekerk, Hu Hanjie, FAW South Africa Deputy General Manager (in charge of the work) Yang Jian, China-Africa Development Fund South Africa Representative Office Chief Representative Dong Kun, and South African Company Director Mr. Richard had something in common Turn on the screen. They started the offline ceremony with a countdown. The screen rose, and the new generation flagship model JH6 550-horsepower tractor was unveiled, ushering in the next thirty years.

The thirty years that FAWDE has taken root in South Africa have been thirty years of pioneering and seeking development, as well as thirty years of deep integration and setting benchmarks. In May 1994, with the first FAWDE truck, CA141, entering the South African market, FAWDE became the first and only Chinese automobile brand in South Africa at that time. In 2012, China FAW and the China-Africa Development Fund increased investment in South Africa. They launched the FAW South Africa Coega commercial vehicle assembly plant construction project with a designed annual production capacity of 5,000 units. The project has received attention and support from the two governments and has been The Ministry of Commerce of China lists it as a key national overseas investment project. On July 10, 2014, the Coega Factory was officially completed and put into production. Today, as the production base of FAWDE in South Africa, the Coega Factory has produced more than 15,000 FAWDE trucks, making it the largest, most advanced equipment and best-managed truck in Southern Africa. The most standardized truck production plant, it is known as "a model of China-South Africa cooperation." In 2023, FAWDE's terminal sales in the South African market exceeded 3,000 units for the first time and achieved the delivery of the 1,000th FAWDE JH6 tractor unit of the year. In 2024, official data from the South African Commercial Vehicle Association shows that FAW South Africa's terminal sales exceeded 1,500 units from January to April, a year-on-year increase of 54%. Among them, the high-end flagship JH6 terminal sales exceeded 700 units, a year-on-year increase of 146%. It is competing with the world's leading commercial vehicles. The brand stood out from the fierce competition and ranked first in market share. At the same time, the Coha plant rolled out 400 FAWDE trucks in April, breaking the historical production record for a single month.

Having been deeply involved in South Africa for 30 years, FAWDE has established a complete production, sales, and service operation system in southern Africa, with more than 30 sales and service channels throughout South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and other regions; it has built a central spare parts library and customer service center, supplying the entire network to meet customer after-sales service needs. At the same time, we focus on the two major markets of traction and cargo, create full value chain marketing, cater to the needs of Southern African customers, provide them with efficient and reliable comprehensive vehicle solutions, and continue to inject power into the construction and development of Southern Africa.


Facing the future, FAWDE will continue to increase investment in the southern African market, accelerate all-factor overseas layout, expand product lines, expand sales and service networks, deepen financial cooperation, and comprehensively enhance the product competitiveness and brand influence of FAWDE Trucks in the international market force!
